Monday, September 3, 2007

Things done quickly

Well, I worked up one of my short-shorts and sent it off to Every Day Fiction. It took them all of about five hours to send it back, with comments. Let's just say ... not favorable. I have this thing about cliches ... I like them - I guess I like to try to find new angles at them, but the problem with that is that if you miss, you have nothing new at all, just the cliche itself. Note to self. Things done quickly have the dependable tendency to fail. Oh well. It was interesting to get comments back, and with the reviewers' names on them, no less. Always worth knowing who says what - helps to know who's worth listening to. Editing's a hard job, and sending the comments is extra work, so I'm impressed that they do it.

1 comment:

Camille Alexa said...


Try again. And as Jordan Lapp (editor of Every Day Fiction) and I noted over at Littlebird Blue, one editor's 'no thank you' is the next one's (or the next one's or the next one's) 'yes, please'."