Saturday, September 29, 2007

Link Insanity

Okay, maybe not insanity, but Miss Camille's blogroll post has inspired me (if you can call it inspiration when what you end up doing is kind of lazy) to post a linky-post. I have resigned myself to spending this lovely Oregon day writing, not blogging, and so the internets will have to step in and do the entertaining.

First and foremost, that's THREE in a row for my beloved Caley Thistle, thank you very much.

Also, it appears that Joey Fatone has lost 95 pounds and married a senior citizen.

If Kiefer Sutherland goes to jail, will he escape like he always does on 24?

If you still haven't seen Brazilian women play soccer, you need to take a look at this. Marta is on fire.

I always knew that when zombies finally came, they'd come from Philly.

Republicans skip out of having to talk about minorities, and Hilary wants to pay me $5000 to impregnate people.

That is all. Enjoy the weather. Unless you're in Utah or Tokyo, where the internet tells me it is currently raining.


Camille Alexa said...

Would that Argentine dude be Joey Thinone, then?

Anonymous said...

HA. Yup, I suppose he would be.