Monday, September 24, 2007

Back on the poetry horse

Between coming back home and going back to work, I have been on a vacation hangover, trying to bring myself to sit at a desk for the beautiful daytime hours and get something, anything, done. In the meantime, I've gotten absolute shite done in terms of writing. So I sat down this morning and took a couple of hours to myself and finally put pen to paper again. I think I'm going to go back, at least for a little while, to writing rough drafts on paper. Because I sit all day in front of a computer screen, my eyes are already sick of that particular glow by the time it's writing time, and my fatigue hurts the process terribly. I got some progress done on a few poems I started while in Britain, so that's good. There are also a few anthology deadlines coming up, and so I hope I can get back into the prose habit as well. When I split my writing time between poetry and prose, I think that's when I find myself happiest with the products of both. Oh well. Short post today - not much going on. Bye bye now.


Camille Alexa said...

I write better if I wake up at 5am and start then than if I try to do it at 5 pm.

I would never have believed it if I hadn't experienced it too many times to ignore.

rkfinnell said...

I can go for days, barely able to think about writing. Then all of the sudden the words coming pouring out without hardly a thought.