Friday, June 29, 2007

Me: 55 words; Them: 1 ... No

So, another day, another rejection letter. This one stung a bit more than the average, since it was a piece written specifically for the place I sent it. There's a cool little online litmag called "55 Words" that publishes, you guessed it, 55-word flash fiction. I hear people talk about novels and how impossible it can seem to write that much, but I think the opposite is true. It's relatively easy to tell a full and rich story in 10,000 words. Try it in 55 - now, that's a challenge. Anyway, regardless of their lack of interest in my particular story (or perhaps more so because of it), you should definitely check them out. Flash fiction is an interesting medium, and I'm looking forward to trying more of it.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Yeah, I know. I am the worst blogger ever. It's been like three weeks. I'm not even really posting right now, because it's late and I still have real work to do. The truth is, this blog has been last priority and so has been abandoned because the first-through-second-to-last priorities have taken up absolutely all my time.

But, it is World Day to Combat Desertification, and so how could I not post. I hope everyone took time today to ... not ... make ... anymore deserts ... (?)
