Sunday, October 7, 2007

Pushing Daisies is like Wonderfalls Light

I know it's a bit against the stereotype of a writer, but I like television. That's not to say that I disagree with the people that complain that it rots brains and replaces under-attentive parents. I know it does these things, and more. And most of what's on TV is crap. Every once in a while, a gem shines through, and a little gem in a massive pile of shit shines all the brighter. It's way better than just being another gem in a gem pile. Anyway, the point is, the background noise of awful television just makes me appreciate it more when something decent does come along. One particularly perfect little gem was Wonderfalls, a one-season show a while back on Fox. Fox is good at finding decent shows and canceling them after one season. I love that show to an extent that no other TV show can claim. I like Lost, I like Battlestar ... well, for now ... but I adored Wonderfalls.

So, when I heard that ABC had picked up a show with one of the creators (Bryan Fuller) and one of the stars (Lee Pace) of Wonderfalls, I was excited. Not schoolgirl excited ... that doesn't happen anymore ... but excited. I watched the pilot today, and I have to say, I'm cautiously optimistic. I've been burnt before, so I'm not putting myself out there until at the least the second date, er, episode, but I liked it. There's a half-real, half-fantasy feel to it that is pure Bryan Fuller. In WF, it was more subtle, but I like the way it plays here, and if it's anything like WF, the second episode will be completely different from the first anyway. So, for now, I'm satisfied. But don't you break my heart, ABC. Don't you make it suck.

They basically had me at the flying dog corpse and the field of perfect flowers. Lovely.


Camille Alexa said...

Yep. Hard to beat Wonderfalls.

Just watched episode #2 of Pushing Daisies. Cute. Not Wonderfalls cute, but cute.

Anonymous said...

It is cute. It is not Wonderfalls, but if it was, I would almost be mad, because I loved Wonderfalls so much that I do not want anything to replace it, or at least am not ready for anything to.

Kyle Richardson said...

I always appreciate another Wonderfalls fan, as I love that show, but... Wonderfalls was light. It wasn't intended to be serious and philosophical. Instead it had a quirky spirit and a lot of heart. Question is, does Pushing Daisies have that heart? Dead Like Me did, although it didn't match Wonderfalls. I guess we all agree that probably nothing will.